∫dX [ Lesotho ENACTS MON dekadal rainfall SPI_1_dekad anomalies climatology ]: Standard Precipitation Index 1-dekad data
MON dekadal rainfall SPI_1_dekad SPI_1_dekad SPI_1_dekad Standard Precipitation Index 1-dekad from Lesotho ENACTS: Enhancing National Climate Service initiative.
Independent Variables (Grids)
grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) periodic (0000 1 Jan - 0000 11 Jan) to (0000 21 Dec - 0000 1 Jan) by 0.3333335 N= 36 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude)
grid: /X (degree_east) ordered (26.90625E) to (29.60625E) by 0.03749998 N= 73 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude)
grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (30.7875S) to (28.425S) by 0.03750002 N= 64 pts :grid
Here are some filters that are useful for manipulating data. There
are actually many more available, but they have to be entered
manually. See
Function Documentation for more information.
Monthly Climatology calculates
a monthly climatology by averaging over all years.
anomalies calculates the difference
between the (above) monthly climatology and the original data.